A Rainy Friday, New Space, New Year
Feb 6, 2021
Dearest Reader,
It’s been months since I’ve written to you. Unfortunately I’ve found myself in relapse in depression and anxiety and this has made it difficult for me to keep up on my music and other creative endeavors. I’ve found it difficult to get out of bed some days let alone have the energy to sing, dance, write or read.
It’s a rainy Friday and I’ve taken my first solo walk on the greenway here in Cary where I’ve moved recently. In the midsts of a thin wooded area that hugs the path I can see houses and apartments. a stream meanders along the path, weaving itself on both sides as it sees fit.
Water is falling on my head, I pull up the hood of my dusty pink blazer and listen to the quiet bubbling water. I can see bits of trash here and there and feel a twinge of homesickness for the Eno River and my favorite spots along the Westpoint trails. All the same I am grateful for this little wooded path and thin stream a 5 minute walk from my apartment. I know this will feel like home soon. Trash can be endearing as well as heartbreaking. I am reminded of all the people who don’t get to walk in the woods, all the spaces where trees are absent and trash is abundant. I’m sad to think of it. I’m grateful for this walk.
Now I’m home and waiting for my camera to charge. I am filming a sermon for a friend in about a half hour and I am thankful for all the people who are trying to bring beauty, light and revelation into this world. I am honored to be able to listen to the words of this dear woman.
Sitting at my dining room table and seeing red and white roses lining my fireplace, a large Monstera recovering from a too cold stint outside earlier this year and seeing a romantic, black and white. photo that begs to be hung on the bare walls reminds me that every day there’s time to find beauty, every day I have another chance to make something beautiful.
I want to sing you another song. I’m determined to get something to you all soon. I hope that you feel some relief and joy today. I hope that as you read this you can look around your home, or wherever you currently are and appreciate some small piece of beauty that accompanies you there.
Until soon and with much love,
Remona Jeannine